At Abiding Christ, we are passionate about growing in our faith at every step on our life journey. Check out the offerings below and see where you can dive in!

Newborn to End of 6th Grade

Every Sunday at 9:45am, we have faith formation/Sunday School content that is offered by compassionate teachers. Each class' content is specially oriented to each child's age/developmental stage. Also, each July we have a wonderful Vacation Bible School Program that is beloved and meaningful for children who participate and volunteers alike!

7th Grade Through 17 Years Old

The Sunday School/Faith Formation hour each Sunday at 9:45am provides a space to continue growing in faith through the Junior and Senior High Years. 7th and 8th graders typically dive into Confirmation Classes, where they learn more about the broader Biblical narrative, the history of the Christian Church, and the core beliefs of the Lutheran Church. High Schoolers continue to grapple with what their faith will mean to them in the real world during the Faith Formation hour and through Youth Group gatherings every 1st and 3rd Sunday.

Young Adult
18-39 Years Old

A lot happens during those years after high school– you don't have to go through it alone! We have Sunday School offerings each Sunday at 9:45am that open the door to deep conversations with other young adults. Additionally, there are gatherings each month with young adults at Abiding Christ through the regional ministry, Gather: Miami Valley. 

Gather: Miami Valley
Adult Faith Formation
Includes Both Young Adults and Beyond!

Just because one has moved into that "adult" category, that does not mean that the learning journey has ended– if anything, it has only just begun, and Christ continues to go with us along the way! Dive deeper through Adult Sunday School Classes each Sunday at 9:45am, Women's Bible Study on Wednesday's at 11am, the "What's Next?" Group Conversation after Wednesday Night Worship at 7pm, and more!